Free «Managerial Communication in the Context of Change» Essay

Managerial Communication in the Context of Change

To begin with, in any organization management is so important. Equally, the managerial communication is another important aspect that defines the success of any organization in achieving its goals. Over time, management effectiveness has been measured by its ability to integrate the aspect of communication by means of applying the communication skills and technique that meet the goals and the aims of the organization (Barrett 6). In order to achieve the goals and aims of any organization and more specific in the current contemporary world, communication must be an integral part that can not be underrated.

In the modern times, technology has brought a lot of changes that management style of communication need to change in order to fit in the contemporary world. Effectiveness of managerial communication has been challenged in the face of modernism or change (Barrett 84). It is important to note that most of communication in the modern time has been directed through the use electronic devices. In this sense, use of mobile phones, the internet and other electronics of the kind have been employed.

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Currently, communication through repressive kind of leadership has been proved to be null but communication that is brought about by transformational leadership is the kind that can thrive in the context of change (Buzzanell 236). Such leadership makes communication as one marked by high interpersonal skills that encourage more of participation rather than the masculine kind of leadership of management that make use of command and direct control. In the context of change, subordinates and employees look for a communication that is social like mostly offered by a transformational kind of leadership (Buzzanell 76). In addition, in the context of change, electronic communication will prevail but face-to –face communication is favorable for sensitive issues. It is of great importance to note that electronic communication should be designed to meet specifications and rules and regulation apply. Finally it is vital to note that managerial communication in the context of change should be flexible in order to integrate in the contemporary environment of organizations.

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