Free «How to Thrive in the Public Relations Business» Essay

How to Thrive in the Public Relations Business

A marketer like Kidler Fine Foods must quickly appreciate a number of new rules, if they are to begin to exploit the potential that this new technology can deliver. Lead generation activities, like public relations, can generate immediate replies from potential customers, who will in turn, expect an immediate response from the company. Brand awareness and corporate identity of Kidler Fine Foods will retain their importance. Indeed, the strength of brands will become, if anything, even more important as customers, when navigating the huge and complex market place of the WWW, will be attracted to the security and familiarity of known brand names and products (Kornecki, 2007).

Kidler Fine Foods will have to reevaluate its current strategy taking into account the various applications of technologies (e-mail, WWW, mobile commerce and push) which offer excellent channels of maintaining contact with existing customers, making communications far easier than using traditional methods. In addition, a refined stream of information can be directed towards the individual customer once their areas of interest have been understood. The need to perceive marketing communications as something directed at a market sector could be a redundant concept as the Internet provides the capability for communications to be directed at the individual consumer level. Applying the Internet to the PR process can have a radical effect on the way that the sales force is structured, the use that is made of intermediaries and direct selling to the end-user. One of the main benefits is the potential to reduce the number of PR components between the company and the end-user with the resultant reduction in the cost of sales that this can generate. Using the new technologies may create the facilities to change opinions of the customer and even change in purchasing attitudes that will make this occur (Wilcox and Cameron 2008). The potential for Kidler Fine Foods to reduce its cost of PR by having direct contact with the customer should generate considerable savings, some of which may need to be channeled back to the customer. The opportunities for creating new messages and attacking different target audiences are considered, as are specific examples of how the support processes can be changed.

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