Free «Research Article Critique: "Healthcare Information Technology and Economics" by Payne at al.» Essay

Research Article Critique:

“Healthcare information technology and economics” is a journal article by Payne et al. that will be critiqued in this paper. It was published in the year 2013. The research was aimed at identifying the role of information technology (IT) in health facilities and its contribution to the healthcare value. It also pointed out the relationship between economics and health IT. The impact of information technology on healthcare area was determined by examining the available public health organizations in the United States. The authors also studied the federal programs on healthcare with the aim of accomplishing their objectives. The meetings were conducted that involved sharing of ideas on the impact of health information technology. The meetings were paramount in ensuring participation of the representatives from various organizations (Payne et al., 2013).

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Non-experimental methods were used in determining the outcome of the research. The authors heavily relied on the analysis of health systems and programs provided by the United States government. While researching the systems, Payne and colleagues also evaluated the cost used in accomplishing the different health processes. To ensure an extensive research, the authors had various questions. Most importantly, they strived to find out the consequences of the high cost of healthcare. Additionally, efforts had been put to identify the task of IT in improving the quality at a low cost. One of the imperative questions that the authors asked was, “Is evidence health IT worth our investment?” (Payne et al., 2013). The research of different healthcare IT revealed their significant impact on the value of the health. In arriving at their conclusions, the authors analyzed a number of health facilities and tracked their progress from the previous years.

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A literature review is always important when conducting a research. However, the authors in performing their research did not provide a literature review section. Its lack may be explained by different reasons. Firstly, they wanted their research to be independent and answer the specific questions. The aim of the literature review is to provide guidance to the researcher. Although the authors did not represent the review of the literature, they referred to previous works on the quality of healthcare and information technology. Through the use of previous research, they were able to identify their areas of interest and how they have been developing in previous years. For instance, while providing details about healthcare, they relied on their analysis and previous data from other scholars. By depending largely on their analysis, the authors have made the research original and authentic. It is easier to understand the collected data on the performance of different health institutions in America by only relying on the details provided. Also, the article shows the dedication of the authors to provide a reliable and original research outcome (Payne et al., 2013). For this case, the lack of the literature review did not damage or prevent the credible outcome.

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In the modern world, technology plays a significant role in many institutions. In the healthcare industry, almost every department is required to use some sort of technology. For example, entering of data is done electronically. In the recording of patients’ details, technicians are expected to use the most recent technology. Considering this, it is evident that the research is current and relevant. The analysis of healthcare IT has considerably contributed in identifying the benefits of the technology to organizations and patients. It has also provided more information on the importance of having information technology in the hospitals. For instance, the article presents the information on the current situation of the United States national health initiatives. According to the research, the American government invests approximately $30 billion in health IT (Payne et al., 2013). The investment is a cooperation of the HITECH act that requires the state to adopt information technology in its health operations. The health IT also requires the health institutions to adopt electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs are relevant in the modern health facilities and have attracted much debate currently. The benefits of EHRs are still discussed and this shows the relevance of the research. According to legislation, the use of EHRs is mandatory as they allow reporting of quality metrics. Health facilities are also required to fully demonstrate that they are using electronic health records in a meaningful way (Payne et al., 2013).

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With EHRs, it is possible to track the records of patients and performance of the physicians. Also, this IT prevents double recording of patients’ information that has been rampant with the traditional methods. In discussing the cost spent on installation of the electronic methods and their impact on health facilities, the article provided a rational analysis. The research allows to identify whether the government is using the taxpayer money in the most efficient manner. Besides, it can help in identifying the loopholes in installation and implementation of the IT. Identification of the weaknesses in the health institutions plays a key role in ensuring the improvement and efficiency of the systems. As stated in the article, the incentives provided by HITECH support the development of accountability in healthcare institutions. Therefore, through the EHRs, it will be possible to hold physicians accountable for their actions. In the past years, there has been an increase in cases of professional misconduct and negligence from physicians. Through the technology, it will be easier to hold them accountable and improve the state of the facilities (Payne et al., 2013).

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The article analyzes the role of information technology in costs reduction, which increases the efficiency of the healthcare, thereby, allowing the provision of proper medication. According to the research, reduction of costs that is enhanced by the implementation of the technology is vital in improving outcomes. The relevance of using technology, as stated by the authors, was realized through the analysis of reports by the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers mentioned three crucial areas that can be significantly improved by the use of the HER technology. The sectors include reduction of costs in the provision of healthcare, the provision of detailed information about healthcare as well as supporting changes in healthcare delivery (Payne et al., 2013). It is deduced by the authors that, with technology introduction, provision of detailed information on healthcare becomes possible. The information can be acquired easily since it is stored in a modern way and only a click is required to find the needed data. Due to the efficiency of the method, it significantly contributes to the reduction of costs of individual patients through the elimination of charts search and information entry. The authors encourage the use of the HER technology as it helps in supporting processes in the healthcare facility. For instance, IT encourages teamwork as all the physicians can refer to details of any patient from their offices. Additionally, when treating a patient, it is possible to access a patient’s information and any adjustments made can be seen by the physician on duty. The method simplifies the processes and makes them more efficient and reliable (Payne et al., 2013).

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In acquiring of information, a non-experimental method of research is utilized. It does not allow the persons involved in the research to manipulate the details. Besides, they cannot alter the predictor variable to work towards benefiting their interest or objective. Since they cannot manipulate nor alter the subjects, they wholly rely on the interpretation and observations to make conclusions. Due to the nature of the research, the outcomes of the research can be trusted. Through the method, it enhances the audience to scrutinize the results. Also, it allows the reader to make their own conclusions from the information provided. However, wrong interpretations from the available information can mislead the audience. In interpreting the information, the authors should analyze perfectly the processes and make credible and reliable conclusions (Jardim, 2013). From the conclusions made, it is evident that the method was the best in analyzing the available data. Therefore, results from the research can be recommended to any health facility in the United States while implementing health IT in their institutions.

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The authors were very careful in selecting their sample that was used to analyze health IT and economic aspects of their implementation. The country used in the investigation of health facilities is the United States of America. Additionally, the data collected is from the health institutions in the same country. Materials from past research on the United States have also been used that have played a vital role in ensuring the provision of credible results. Selection of the area of investigation has been perfect for various reasons. Most importantly, the USA is a prosperous country with advanced technological level. The healthcare system of the country is also developed and has implemented EHRs in most health facilities (Jardim, 2013). Due to the high economic level and the technology in existence, it is possible to analyze the benefits of the system to the institutions and the patients. The sample used is also suitable for the purpose of the research, which is the identification of IT benefits in healthcare and reduction of costs. Additionally, the sample was appropriate and fair for the non-experimental method used in the article,

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From the conclusions made, the research is practical and should be recommended to the healthcare institutions in the developing countries. The review of data from the research was conducted over the past five years on economics and informatics. The research was completed in 2012; it means the data reviewed date back to the year 2007. The period is enough to track the record of health facilities and make concrete conclusions. The authors suggest that the EHRs can be applied in bits due to its cost. Although the initial cost of installing the technology is high, its benefits outdo the costs incurred. In installing the EHRs the authors are of the opinion that unnecessary processes should be eradicated to ensure efficiency of the system. The proposed method of installing the technology in bits (gradually) is possible in both developed and developing countries.











However, the research could be improved. Firstly, the article does not indicate the challenges of installing the technology. For this reason, considering the challenges that health facilities face while installing the EHRs could help in improving the study (Luiz & Cline, 2013). Also, further research can focus on the challenges and any inefficiency if any caused by EHRs. Despite the lack of indication of challenges, the research has been straightforward in its analysis and proposal of implementation.


It is evident that health IT is essential in the reduction of costs and improvement of healthcare quality. The United States spends heavily on healthcare and implementation of electronic health records. From the implementation of the EHRs, the country has experienced a tremendous increase in efficiency and reduction of costs. Patients’ satisfaction has also been achieved. In adopting the technology, other countries should do it in bits due to the high initial costs. Results of the research were achieved through a non-experimental method and have proved to be appropriate. However, future research should consider the challenges faced by healthcare facilities in implementing the technology.

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