Free «Closed Track» Essay

Closed Track

Racing cars are amusing at pit stops by their rapid and skillful tires change, fuel filing, inspection of car body and tuning the engine for less than half a minute. However, at a local car service station or auto dealer’s service station the same operations may take more than two days. The distinction can be explained by different systemic approach to the problems solving (Shingo, 2009).Unlike a car service station, pits stops perform a perfect sequence of operations, they are highly motivated and their professionalism is based on the time-reduction technologies and experience gained by training.

A closed track car is a symbol of efficient system that operates at its maximum capacity to win the race. All its parts are checked and fixed; however, within the course of the race it needs to be serviced and repaired. In motorsports, pit stops are as spectacular as the race itself thanks to the fast and coordinated actions of all crewmembers.

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Firstly, all pit stop operations are distributed among 10 crewmembers that do their job in a definite time and sequence. Thus, Tire Passer/Starter is responsible for a quick delivery of tires from garage, preparing them for on-track sessions and passing them to one of the four Tire Changers (Inside/Outside and Front/Rear ones) standing by the car at their positions. Within eight seconds they remove old tires and fit the new ones with all the necessary adjustments and further “car pushing” actions. Jack Man raises the car in the air for the quick tires change. “Dead Man”, “Fueler” and Fire Extinguisher are responsible for filling the car with fuel in the appropriate and safe way (Who Does What in a Pit Stop, 2013). Thus, all the operations are sequenced. Such operations as tires change and fuelling are performed simultaneously, thanks to the maximum separation of “internal” and “external” functions (Shingo, 2008). The main benefit is a considerable reduction of time needed for changeover and adjustment of the assembled parts. In addition, the reduced setup results in the improved safety. It can be possible due to standardization that requires detailed analysis, regular repair and maintenance and record keeping.

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Secondly, in a closed track event all crewmembers are highly motivated to win the race as a team. Consequently, they put all their efforts to economize every second as a valuable contribution in the overall success. However, at a car service station the employees might be more reluctant to complete their orders as quickly as possible. Moreover, when they have several hours to the end of their shift they are likely not to start a new order, since they might not manage to repair or serve the car within the remained scheduled time and have to stay overtime without any additional payment. Thus, strong competition and good system for measuring results immensely increase motivation (Inman, 2013).

Thirdly, in a closed track competition a pit stop crew are top professionals with big experience gained from practice and training. In addition, they use modern technologies to occupy leading positions in their field. The best evidence of their professionalism is immediate and accurate actions and a quick response to any challengers. A team of professionals can easily control the set up process with the help of “Single Minute Exchange of Die” system (Quick Changeover – SMED Setup Reduction, 2013). All modern technologies and trainings need investments; however, they will be paid back in the form of competitive characteristics and good reputation.

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To sum up, efficient sequencing of operations with reasonable separation of internal and external activities, increased motivation, modern technologies and trainings are ways of quick improvement and success. These operation’s management concepts and techniques guarantee sufficient reduction of set-up activities with consequential increase of productivity and improvement of quality. Moreover, the “competitive spirit”, well-measured results can make the personnel more motivated for the overall success. Finally, the leading technologies and trainings make the company more competitive in the market.

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