Free «Exam Score» Essay

Exam Score

As a global manager, I believe that it is very important to understand other people’s perspectives especially when working with people from different cultures. I discovered that I did not fully understand my organization’s products and services. This implies that to be an effective global manager, I have to put in more efforts to understand products and services offered by my organization. I strongly agree that I am willing to take solid stand on issues. While this may be a positive attribute, I also have to be flexible in order to understand other people’s perspectives on issues. I strongly agree that I have a unique talent especially when dealing with other people. To effectively advance a career in global management, I need to augment my efforts in dealing with other people.

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I believe that I am able to tell the truth regardless of the circumstances. Honesty is a mandatory virtue to be exercised by a global manager. However, when honesty is bound to compromise the company’s reputation and decrease its profitability, lying may be necessary in order to convince the public and customers to trust the company. Unfortunately, I am not excellent in identifying the most vital part of a complex issue. Global management career demands excellence in identifying company problems in order to solve them at the early stages before they get out of hand. I am not exemplary in taking personal and business risks. Taking risk in business needs to be well calculated as it may amplify profitability or result in drastic loss. Other people’s opinions have influenced my personality in several occasions; therefore, I need to boost my personal confidence. I find it enjoyable working in different countries other than my own. This allows me to take advantage of opportunities to exploit new avenues. I find it hard to take criticism that compels me to seek other people’s feedbacks even when they are not ready to give it. And again, I need to build up my personal confidence in order to take criticism positively. To become an effective global manager, I must improve my skills on investing efforts to make things or opportunities work to the advantage of the organization.

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I have a score of 68 from a perfect score of 92. The result implies that I have to improve on my personal intelligence, confidence, interpersonal skills, courage, and commitment if i yearn to become a very competitive and excellent global manager.

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