Free «Safety and Security of Airport Ground » Essay

Safety and Security of Airport Ground

The bomb threat policy should be read together with the Tinsel Town Airport’s Fire and Health and Safety Policies in existence.

The setting or receipt of explosives or other latent dangerous devices is a potential hazard in all the Airport premises and workers on the ground. The consequences of bomb threats within the Airport grounds could be potentially severe. The incidences of bomb threats are tremendously rare but the Tinsel Town Airport is fully aware of the prospective disruption of its operations and the potential for actual damage that can be caused by the malicious bomb threats and hoaxes.

Tinsel Town Airport has therefore made it a policy to formulate procedures that upon execution would greatly curtail the risk to safety and security from bomb threats on its expansive facility and premises. This policy integrates all the procedures that have so far been instituted to control a bomb threat within the Tinsel Town Airport. The aim of this policy at all times is to ascertain that there exist practicable and comprehensive procedures to ensure the safety of the Airport staff, passengers, visitors, premises and airline assets.

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All the airport personnel and passengers have a responsibility to adhere to the Tinsel Town Airport Bomb Threat Policy and the safety procedures outlined therein. It is therefore important that all staff understand the right course of action to take in case of a bomb threat to guarantee safety of their esteemed clients, general public, colleagues and themselves. Strict adherence to the procedures and policy will be required at all times for all bomb threats to ensure that due precautions are taken and implemented. 


Important Information:

  • Generally, bomb threats are delivered through phone calls.
  • Any kind of a bomb threat is serious and should be treated deadly till proven otherwise.
  • In the event of a bomb threat call, the receiver should remain calm but act quickly so as to collect the much needed information of the caller with the checklist provided at the end of this manual.

What to do in case a bomb threat call is received

  1. Remain calm
  2. Signal another person- give him/her a note saying “Bomb threat-Call Police on 991.Try to keep the caller on the line for the longest possible time. Leave the line open even if the caller hangs up.
  3. Listen to the caller carefully without interrupting the call. Show interest in his/her message and remain courteous throughout the conversation.
  4. Keep the telephone conversation going for as long as possible to enable you gather all the required relevant information.
  5. If the receiving phone has a display of the caller ID, record the number and other visible details of the incoming call.
  6. Proceed with the completion of the Bomb Threat Checklist immediately.
  7. Contact your immediate supervisor and Police with the information using a different phone.

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