Free «Success Is a Perspective» Essay
- Do you agree that your peer has made an original argument that provides new insight about an old topic? If so, what's interesting about it? If not, how could it be more original? Give some suggestions to help them see a new way.
The author highlights the importance of education on the way to success. Although the argument is not exactly new in a row of other prerequisites to the successful life, the author puts an extra emphasis on college education. There is little novelty in the suggested approach of finding what one is good at and developing the necessary skills. The assertion of “many roads leading to the same place” is a bit confusing in relation to the author’s point of view, because the college education is just one of the many such roads. The mentioning of other important points such as human values, persistence, and commitment would greatly contribute to the message. Nevertheless, the author has succeeded in making the point of college education importance.
- Are their sources cited in correct MLA format? Use thisPurdue OWL pageas a guide. Make a list of errors you find, and help your peer understand how to correct the error. (Be super picky! It's the only way to create a research superhero! Check alphabetization, hanging indents, spacing, etc.)
There are a number of ways in which the source references could be perfected. The page should start with the proper heading, an essay’s title, and “An Annotated Bibliography” instead of “Works Cited”. The annotations themselves should be properly indented and follow below the source details. It would increase the readability of the document, because such concise sources’ reviews require thorough formatting. All other MLA requirements are observed in this work.
- Do their annotations help you understand generally what the source is about and why they've chosen it? Would you be interested in learning more about this topic based on these annotations? Why or why not?
Generally, the annotations provide a good overview of the referenced sources, though the content could be a little more informative. There are unnecessary explanations of who and where had published the source works cutting into the already limited annotation space. The descriptions are somewhat vague providing too much irrelevant information. The author mentions the concepts of "college for all crusade" and "homeowners for all" in a course of arguing the source’s importance. Such concepts may be unfamiliar to the reader; thus a few words of explanation would be helpful. Judging by the annotations, the referenced works do not seem interesting enough in the context of the author’s arguments.
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