Free «Intellectual Property Law» Essay

Intellectual Property Law

William Patry. Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars (1st ed, 2009)

The writer argues that contemporary copyright law is simply a bloated, punitive legal regime that has strayed far from its modest, but important roots. This could be true since copyright law has failed to live up to the intentions and aims that it was initially legislated for.

Ronan Deazley. Rethinking Copyright:History, Theory, Language (1st ed, 2006)

Ronan Deazley argues that today’s copyright is a creation of a mythical past that aims at curtailing the rights of people to access information. To him, whether copyright law is as useful as it was a century ago remains a question of debate in a world where information is just a click of a button away. His views could be true since the reasons behind copyright do not fit in the contemporary cultural and legal discourse.

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Fred von Lohmann.‘Transparency for Copyright Removals in Search’ (2012) (Accessed 19 September 2012).

This article reveals the increasing number of requests for the removal of any Google search from the internet. This action raises the question of freedom of the internet and the ownership which according to the author results from lack of a clear-cut between copyright and the right to access materials which are publicly available on the internet.

Amanda Michaels and Andrew Norris. A Practical Approach to Trade Mark Law (1st ed, 2010)

The scholars note that trademark is a challenge to contemporary comparative and misleading advertisement and this has led to formation of new trademark laws. This is true since there have been variations in trademarks applied causing a great confusion in their application.

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Dana Shilling. Essentials of Trademarks and Unfair Competition (1st ed, 2002)

The author argues that trademark is an essential law that controls unfair competition in the contemporary world. He rightfully notes that irrespective of this, trademark is misinterpreted on many occasions to allow unfair competition between businesses.

Daniel A. Tysver. TrademarkInfringement (2008) (Accessed on 19 September 2012)

The author argues that the internet provides a good platform for increased infringement on trademark. This has been reflected in a number of reports of such cases presented to organizations. However, some of these cases are illegitimate and therefore difficult to handle.

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