Free «The Dimensions of an Organizational Strategy» Essay

The Dimensions of an Organizational Strategy

An organizational strategy is an important feature for every organization as well as for the leader and workers of this organization. The main dimensions of an organizational strategy are the strategic plan, leadership, the strategic goals and tactics which are necessary for solving problems, taking decisions and collaboration with other companies. Nowadays an organizational strategy is the essential part for company’s forming and developing. The choice of the right direction in business is the component of success.

Without doubt the “strategic mindset” or the ability to think “strategically” is relevant for an organization's management. The ability to think “strategically” is a learned trait which is achieved through observation, experience, and practice. First of all, the leaders of the company should develop the “strategic mindset” unfolding clear insights on markets, customers and technology. They should reflect on other companies' experience, seek new information and plan the future of company. If the leader has such strategic traits as flexibility, cognition, anticipation, learning and clarity, he will then pass these strategic abilities to the staff of his company.

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Strategic “resources” and “competencies” are the base of any health care organization. The main strategic “competency” is the effective teamwork which stimulates to a good result and unites people with a common aim. Employees should work on managing the teamwork, leadership, knowledge of organizational goals and strategies, respect to others and collaboration advantage the development of a health care organization. The strategic “recourses” focus on individual skills development, individual responsibility and achievements of the goals.

Learning of the organization strategy should be provided in the health care organization as the patients suffer not only from their illnesses but also from the ineffective teamwork and the bad preparation of health professionals.

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In conclusion, it is important to mention that the strategy of the organization will be successful when the members of the team focus on the organization’s values, friendly atmosphere, effective interpersonal and teamwork relationships. It is possible to learn and to think “strategically” if you have a great desire and do everything in order to achieve the desired results.

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