Free «Exam Questions: Public Informing» Essay

Exam Questions: Public Informing

Question A

The “ATTENTIVE PUBLIC” is significant because their opinions weigh heavily on the prevailing political agendas. Similarly, their opinions are more worthy of study as compared to the public because the latter might not give enough attention to issues prevailing in the political arena. At the same time, the public might not be sufficiently informed, which makes their stance subjective. However, those called “ATTENTIVE PUBLIC” have an understanding of political nuances and stay at the top of political events (Smith 89). Their opinions are also significant for policy makers as well as officials looking forward to run for public office. In addition, their opinions can also be useful while suggesting directives that the government ought to undertake.

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Question B

Political parties have a primary role of informing the public and organizing the government. The parties take a particular stance on political issues and criticize the sentiments of other parties. Subsequently, the criticism and discrepancies arising from the parties form publicized discussions that are informative to the public. Moreover, the parties aid in bringing together people with similar political philosophies and ideas. Such people have similar interests that they can use to their advantage (Dautrich and Yalof 58). In regards to organizing the government, the parties form the basis, of which the congress and state legislatures are organized. Similarly, it becomes the prerogative of the legislative representatives to support their party’s position.

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However, the roles played by political parties have changed with time. Today, political parties can articulate the public policy priorities as pinpointed by their supporters. The parties can also recruit and train candidates aspiring to run for public office. Political parties have also become an avenue that carries out political debates as well discussions within the community.

Question C

Interest groups pertain to an association of individuals or organizations with a common desire to influence public policy. Interest groups derive their powers from lobbying where they gain policy outcomes by pressuring policy makers. Interest groups can also obtain their powers from decentralizing political authorities within the states and localities, which is called federalism (Stonecash 84). Moreover, a strong and reliable judicial system can also enhance the powers of interest groups. In this regard, interest groups have a mandate to utilize litigation to achieve policy objectives that might not be attained through the legislative process (Smith 116).

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An apt example is the creation of American racial segregation that was instigated through a court victory as opposed to a legislative process (Dautrich and Yalof 48). An interest group always comes up with policies that benefit its members. In the above-mentioned example, the interest groups established a plan that would be effective in protecting people of color. An interest group may also derive its power from political powers and systems. This takes place whenever the groups direct their activities to the officials.

Question D

A relatively low voter turnout is significant in the exacerbation of political polarization. In most countries, the elected officials exhibit more polarized views as compared to their electorate (Smith 76). Similarly, the vast majority of voters who proceed to the polls are polarized. This gives an impression that a lower voter turnout makes it easier to determine the elections outcome. In addition, individuals that exhibit an intuitive sense have stronger ideologies and they take part in voting exercises. In fact, most of these individuals are among the attentive public.

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Question E

The role played by the media in the democracy should not be downplayed since it is supportive. The media is used in the provision of information to the public. Media may be in different forms such as newspapers, television, magazines, and radio. The main role played by the media lies in amplifying the voices of citizens and communicating their opinions to the law-makers as well as political officials. The media has also been effective in availing information that can be used by the public in making informed decisions. As a result, it minimizes the possibilities of citizens acting from misinformation or sheer ignorance. The media also uncovers abuses and pressures for their rectification as well as mobilizes the public to humanitarian causes (Dautrich and Yalof 112).

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For the media to be successful in promoting democracy, it ought to act independently without being subject to government’s control. After all, the media is meant to serve the public’s interests. However, in non-democratic governments, the role played by the media differs because the information availed to the public might be biased. This may happen because the media will only avail information as dictated by the government. The public will only hear what the government wants them to hear. As a result, many injustices as well as corrupt practices will not be brought to the public’s attention.

Question F

In the United States, social policy encompasses various policy areas within the government’s setting. This incorporates the study of social services and the welfare state. Social policy also includes the administration of social services such as health policies, housing, education, social work, and income maintenance. The needs and issues stemming from service users are also included. Other components include politics of welfare, education, social needs, education, and poverty. Social policy is part of a regulatory mechanism that can be built into a natural social system. Thus, this integrated institution within society aids in the provision of universalities based on the principle of need. Social policy can also incorporate guidelines and activities that affect conditions pertinent to quality of life as well as the human welfare.

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