Free «Annotated Reference List» Essay

Annotated Reference List

Burke, S., & Collins, K.M., (2001). Gender differences in leadership styles and management skills. Women in Management Review 16(5), 244 – 257.

The article attempts to establish the differences in leadership and management styles between men and women based on data from self-reported information collected from a sample of accountants. The article however contends that its results do not necessarily provide evidence to the gender differences in behavior and effective management in actual leadership. It rather becomes increasingly invaluable in shedding additional light on self-rating of management skills and leadership styles in both genders. This article is penned by the authors whose credentials portray their establishment in the field of leadership and also targets professionals and scholarly researchers in the field of leadership. The original research that the article is based on qualifies it to be scholarly article.

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Hernandez, M., Eberly, M.B., Avolio, B.J., & Johnson, M.D. (2011). The Loci and Mechanisms of Leadership: Exploring a More Comprehensive View of Leadership Theory. The Leadership Quarterly 22(6), 1165–1185.

In the article, authors propose the locus and mechanism through which the concept of leadership can best be understood. The article draws its strength from leadership literature that it qualitatively reviews, thereby drawing the fundamental principles that help in codifying the leadership research and theory of the previous century. The researchers suggest that leadership scholars can employ four loci and four mechanisms to develop an integrative concept of leadership. This article is written by scholars whose credentials in the field of leadership are well established. Evidently, the article also targets leadership scholars of various persuasions in the sense that it uses a language that is specific to the field. Additionally, the article borrows its strength from previously conducted researches, which makes it a scholarly article.

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Fairholm, M.R. (2009). Leadership and Organizational Strategy. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal 14(1), 1-16.

In the article, the author recognizes the importance of leadership in shaping organizational strategies, which end up boosting the chances for the success of its goals. The article therefore comprehensively discusses various concepts such as strategic thinking and planning, which are invaluable in establishing crucial organizational distinctions and links. The article is written by a professor in the field of leadership. Fairholm (2009) supports his ideas by borrowing heavily from previously conducted research and leadership theories. The article targets professionals in the fields, especially those working as leadership consultants to organizations.

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