Free «Kung Fu Panda: Rhetorical Analysis of the Movie» Essay

Kung Fu Panda: Rhetorical Analysis of the Movie

The Chinese kung fu is perceived as the combination of internal power or self-healing application and the external martial power, in which calm and internal energy (popularly referred to as chi) are always more effective and powerful than the malice and martial powers manifested in the physical and external state. The history of Kung Fu is dated back to the first half of the nineteenth century in China. Since then, Kung Fu has undergone greater transformation and evolution. A range of Kung Fu styles have charged over time. For years, some of the Kung Fu styles, which have been advanced, included personalized and fine-turned styles of play. The evolution process of the style was prompted by changes in the body shape, live structures and patterns, and sizes (Hapka, Matere, & Gerard, 2008). Unlike other learning activities, which present a win-loss situation, Kung Fu is a learn-not learn situation.

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Kung Fu Pandais a computer-animated martial arts action comedy of an American origin produced in 2008 by the DreamWorks Animation Film and Action Group. The film was directed by Stevenson Wayne and Mark Osborne. The movie was produced by Cobb Melissa. In this movie, Jack Black alongside with other popular actors/actresses such as Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Clarke, Jackie Chan among others, feature as the stars. Kung Fu Panda is set in an old Chinese version with the anthropomorphic talking animals with the plot revolving around the aspiring Kung Fu masters and Panda Po. Po is unwittingly identified as the peace-master after the village realized that the evil warrior escaped from the prison (Chung, 2012).

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This movie (Kung Fu Panda) is therefore a story of Po (voice Jack), a clumsy and sweet Panda, who dreams of triggering a fight with the spirits (Furious Five legendary) in order to protect the society against all sorts of threats, which may be paused by the Furious Five. Unfortunately, Po (the chosen city hero) has never had any real life experience or practice of Kung Fu. Instead, Po has only had practical experience of serving noodles at the noodles shop. After the selection of the Dragon Warrior in the JadeTemple, the entire city jumped into jubilation (Chung, 2012; Hapka, Matere, & Gerard, 2008). The battle pits Furious Five and Mantis. Accidentally, Po enters the war and is immediately named the Warrior. After that master Shifu organized the intensive training of Po for him to learn the masterpiece of Kung Fu, especially after realizing that tuff times await them in their journey to superiority.

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In summary, this movie is about a misplaced, lazy, slacker panda by the name Po, one of the biggest lovers of Kung Fu. This inexperienced noodle worker was expected to fulfill the ancient prophecy. His dream came true, when the company of the popular Furious Five: Monkey, Crane, Viper, Mantis and Tigress joined the Kung Fu world to get training and develop fighting skills, which would be needed to rescue the city from the hands of the enemy (Chung, 2012). This acute animated comedy is perceived as a battle of spiritual and martial beings attempting to weight their potentials and powers. Therefore, the battle brings together two groups led by their ordained warlords. Not known Po takes the bold step into the rage of war in fierce battle of supremacy.

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In examining this movie, important aspect is to assess correctly some facts about this martial arts of protagonists against antagonists in the film. Animation and cartooning is used for Kung Fu to convey the message of the battling communities. The cause of disagreement in this film is the battle for power and supremacy between two faction groups, one led by Po and the other spearheaded by the diverse group of super-natural forces. Like other Dream Work Animation movies, the popular “zero to hero” flicks plot is mined in this movie covering from the simple masking techniques to more advanced Karate Kid, the same plot can be observed in this film, which can be narrated by a 10 year old boy. However, this film (Kung Fu Panda) is a martial arts work with funny movie (Hapka, Matere, & Gerard, 2008).

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Although this movie is mainly popular to kids with the love for karate and martial arts, the film not only serves as a source of fun for the young ones, but also has many lessons for the entire population including the older people. From “zero to hero” (Chung, 2012) philosophy of Po the Panda (Black Jack), who slaves all the day at his father’s noodle restaurant, but finally gets a heroic status in the city, serves a good lesson. Po dreams big as he is secretly optimistic of attaining the legendary status in Kung Fu and becoming the warrior of the city. Alongside Shifu and the Furious Five protégés, Po succeeded in rescuing the society from the hands of the super-natural hangmen, whose mission was to declare themselves the warriors and hence have dominance over the weaker city residents. Unfortunately, Po’s laziness and fatness leaves the cast in doubt over his ability to be a Kung Fu warrior.

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Almost everyone doubted Po’s ability to lead the team against the strong spirited opponents. On the contrary, only Oogway (Duk Kim Randall) thinks otherwise and encourages the rest of the society to follow the suit of endorsing Po as a potential warrior (Hapka, Matere, & Gerard, 2008). Po is declared a legendary Dragon Warrior by Oogway, the wise turtle, who claims to have invented Kung Fu. Surely, Po is now entrusted with the hard task of raging a war of warrior-ship with the villainous leopard Tai Lung, who has just escaped from jail and desires to take the fabled Dragon Warrior Scroll.

Just like Po, everyone has a potential of rising from zero to hero. Although achieving this does not come on a silver plate, but starts with personal attitude and developing self-confidence in one’s abilities. Po was trained by master Shifu, who did not like his new assignment and attempted to discourage Po from undertaking the Kung Fu training, claiming that Po was too lazy and fat to achieve a legendary status (Chung, 2012). The vulnerable teacher encouraged other trainees to bully the Dragon Warrior in the academy to create a chance for one of them to become a warrior instead. Fortunately, Po happens to possess a hidden potential, which lies unexploited, which is revealed with time at the academy.

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In conclusion, there is a lot of misunderstanding behind Kung Fu Panda and other martial arts films. The case of Panda is that the lazy unrecognized servant in one of the restaurants attains kingship position in the city and rescues the non-believers and the believers from the hands of self-proclaimed Dragon Warrior. This is a perfect representation of a shift from the old and popular “martial arts works” to “hard work and concerted efforts” as opposed to the traditional dragon and physical martial arts, which are of no benefit apart from entertaining the film viewers (Chung, 2012).

The trainer’s philosophy of "believe in yourself" and “life is what you make out of your life” (Hapka, Matere, & Gerard, 2008) serves as the turning point coupled with the change in attitude worth of believing in. Kung Fu battle is perfectly done: battle looks realistic by the virtue that CGI animation creates room for the camera to show inners angle, which cannot be visible using the conventional live-actions movie or film. Kung Fu Panda therefore is a representation of the return to Dream Work Animations, the products of which have been undervalued in the past; the execution of all the popular movies, which present animal characters with fun and comedy.

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