Free «Multinational Companies» Essay

Multinational Companies


Starbucks coffee company and the Tata motors company are multinational corporations which are located in the USA and India respectively. The success of these two companies is attributed to effective management and adoption of strong business ethics at all levels. These multinational institutions have established an online presence whereby they provide necessary information to customers, shareholders and employees. With the ubiquity of the internet, websites are one of the most reliable channels of communication.

Starbucks coffee company

Starbucks coffee company has a comprehensive website that is able to cater for customers, shareholders and employees. Through the website Starbucks has ensured that customers are able to interact with the company regularly. Customers are allowed online membership where they can keep track of their favorite products as well as share ideas with the company (Starbucks, 2010). Starbucks has also developed a reward scheme for its royal customers in an effort to retain them. Customers are able to view all information regarding the company and its products at the website and are able to voice their opinions regarding the same. Starbucks refers to its employees as partners (Starbucks, 2010). The company conducts business ethically and has empowered its workers (partners) to make ethical decisions at work. The company in partnership with all stakeholders has developed a comprehensive code of ethics to enable employees make appropriate decisions at work (Starbucks 2010). These standards of conduct are consistent with the company’s mission and its core values. The company has also taken care of its shareholders by promptly informing them of its activities, provision of financial statements and through an annual general meeting in order to discuss pertinent issues.

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Tata motor company

Tata motor company is a multinational company based in India. The company has created a comprehensive website that offers a lot of information and creates a direct link between customers, shareholders and employee with the corporation. The company has established a customer care center which provides the customers with information regarding its products and a feedback system (Tata, 2010). The company has also established an investor center where it maintains a direct link with its investors on information regarding financial results, reports, the stock exchange, the annual general meeting and the code of conduct (Tata, 2010). The company has also established a code of conduct for the employees to enable them dispense their duties appropriately.

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