Free «Transport Security Administration» Essay

Transport Security Administration

The Transport Security Administration has, since its establishment, been focused on providing security within the United States’ national transportation system, with commercial airports serving as the priority. The body is under the Department of Homeland Security and was established in 2001. In order for the body to facilitate effective planning, administration and value of services, the agency must have clear, reliable and enforceable policies. The performance and internal control measures ensures that these policies have the desired outcome. Effective implementation of the agency’s policies and processes have however been hindered by several red tapes in the system.

The screening policy affects millions of people yet the same people do not have the opportunity to participate in the policy making process. About 1.8 million Americans board commercial planes everyday and each one is screened by the Transportation Security Administration. A considerable number of these passengers are screened using the Advanced Imaging Technology scanners, of which about 700 are currently operational across 190 airports. It is the policy of TSA to subject each passenger to this system check before they gain access to any US airport facility (Transportation Security Administration). In the period that Americans have been subjected to this treatment, none has been accorded the opportunity to participate in the agency’s decision making policy regarding the use of this technology. Disseminated without the public’s input or participation, the agency’s policy regarding the scanners violate the comment and notice requirement of the Administrative Procedure Act. The statue accords that the notions of informed administration decision-making and fairness requires agency policy decisions should be made after providing interested individuals’ notice and considering their comments (Bader, 2011). Since the initiation of TSA’s rulemaking policies in 2011, the agency does not appear to have made any significant progress towards conformity to this mandate.

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The Transportation and Security Administration offers protection for the national transportation systems to ensure freedom and security for people and commerce. An important policy of the agency is the implementation of the screening process. The primary objective of TSA is the treatment of passengers with courtesy, respect and dignity during security screening process. As a result of increase in world terrorism threats, inclusion of strict and thorough airport checks is favored and accepted for social and economic safety reasons. However, the US agency should device stringent plans to address the growing concerns over the manner in which the agency’s officials are conducting their operations. TSA lacks the internal controls necessary for the identification and address of issues of performance measures. Complaints over officials vilely over-stepping their boundaries and at times delving into sexual assault have been very widespread over the last few years. This policy should be revised to meet the human rights boundaries and at the same time ensure security measures are maintained.

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TSA has failed to effectively implement important policies throughout the system. Developments since 2001 have led to legislations that recognize the significance of placing security functions as primary concerns and as a result the government mandates most departments to execute severe security measures. TSA’s deadline driven culture fails to highlight the importance of abiding by these policies. Inclusion of public concerns that are in line with the constitution should be respected and upheld; with the revision of the policy on hands-on security checks should be seriously considered.

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