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Plus One is a new club in Tallahassee, Florida that will be a high energy premier entertainment setting that will provide a dance and social night club that will primary cater for the college students from Florida A&M University and Florida State University, with other local universities and colleges around the city serving as potential clientele as well. The student and regional population exceed 30,000 people and are estimated to be growing at a rate of 8% annually. Plus One will be located two blocks away from the city’s commercial centre, which is an appropriate vantage point to capture the working class bracket in the city as well. The region already has two premier nightclubs that have enjoyed success in the past 7 years. Recently, rental commercial space has become available where two adjacent commercial establishments relocated. The nightclub will consolidate these locations on the main Tennessee Street mostly used by the students from Florida State University.
Once the nightclub is operational, it will be run under the guidance of an excellent management team. The club’s owners are Ibrahim Alyami and his brother Hussein Alyami. Management of the club will be under Warren Cash, a former manager of Coyote Ugly, a popular downtown bar or University students for the last 8 years. Warren is also a co-proprietor of Rambozi’s, an Italian restaurant/pub bar that has dominated the city’s eatery and bar business for the last 5 years.
Mission statement: It is not the beer; not the music; not the food. It’s the People!
It is widely regarded that the most successful club businesses are based on the understanding of the primary customer needs (Ireland, 2008). The mission of the Nightclub is to create an environment and atmosphere that satisfies the varying tastes and preferences of our primary clientele, i.e. college going adults, especially the women. If the female clientele visit Plus One, then male clientele will surely follow, a strategy advocated by Coe (2010). If this goal is to be met, then the Plus One must constantly improve the customer response to the customers need for entertainment and satisfaction.
The Key Elements of Plus One are:
Plus One represents a unique opportunity to create a primer dance and entertainment venue that will primarily cater to the collage-going students. The development of its central location and lack of major competition in the area are major advantages for this venture. The new nightclub will offer an array of mixed drinks including bar, wine soft drinks and other non-alcoholic beverages. A “laid-back” menu consisting mainly of appetizers and entrees will also b available. The initial hours of operations will be between 6:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M., for selling of liquor. However, the kitchen will close at11.00 P.M. Plus One will be operational four nights a week. Plus One will draw its clientele primarily from the student population at FSU while attracting visitors from the city as well.
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Competitive Edge
Plus One has three main competitive elements over its competition.
The primary asset is the location which as a short distance from the University community. The area around Plus One is already a regular social gathering place for students in the evenings.
The second element is an exceptional management team with extensive management skills and experience in administration over club operations.
The third is the focus on attracting and retaining the primary customers in every aspect in our planning. Music is a critical aspect in planning. The project will be headlined by professional DJs ho have the best satisfaction rate with the young clientele.
Sales Strategy
Plus One will host a grand opening party on January 18, 2012, where the women customers’ cover charge will be waived. The Club will establish a traditional Ladies night every Thursday evening weekly in a bid to create a core and regular clientele of women.
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Additionally, Plus One aims to attract more college students by provide shuttle services to the nearby colleges for patrons who cannot drink and drive. Road safety and client wellbeing is an important element in the operation of Plus One.
The cover charge will be $15 per head. Women patrons will receive a waiver on this fee on condition that they arrive at the Club before 9.00 P.M.
The club will open earlier than the rest in the region in a bid to bring in an early crowd before 9.00 P.M. The door will open at 7.00 P.M on weekdays and at 6.00 P.M on Fridays and Saturdays.
Plus One will hold will hold weekly drinking games which are popular with college students on the last Friday night of each month, with the option of making it a bi-monthly affair if it is well received by the clientele.
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Plus one will have three primary sources of capital. Ibrahim Alyami and Hussein Alyami will jointly contribute $400,000 of the capital to form a partnership, with an additional loan fund of $400,000 from the local bank creating a capital base of $800,000.
The three man management personnel is a strong one. The team hare a unilateral vision for the business: to provide a unique entertainment experience though excellent service provision.
The forecasted personnel need over the next three years is shown below.
Personnel Plan Year 1 $ Year 2 $ Year 3 $
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Manager 50000 60000 68000
Bartenders 100000 100000 100000
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DJ 20000 25000 30000
Waiters 50000 60000 70000
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Cleaning 35000 37000 40000
Cooks 65000 70000 75000
Total Personnel 15 15 18
Total Payroll $ 320000 $ 352000 $ 383000
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The number of employee for the first two years will be 15 employees, with the option of increasing this number to 18 employees in the third year. The staff will include Bartenders (2), Promoters (2), Security personnel (4), Kitchen Staff (4), Waiters (3)
Projected Income Statement
Y Year 1 |
Y Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Sales |
560000 |
875000 |
1050000 |
Direct Cost of sales |
130000 |
192000 |
257000 |
Gross profit margin |
430000 |
683000 |
793000 |
Gross profit % |
76.78571 |
78.05714 |
75.52381 |
Taxes |
52000 |
58000 |
62000 |
Payroll |
320000 |
352000 |
383000 |
Utilities |
3600 |
3600 |
3600 |
Insurance |
12000 |
12000 |
12000 |
Rent |
48000 |
40000 |
45000 |
Sales and marketing |
22000 |
25000 |
27000 |
Total operating expenses |
457600 |
490600 |
532600 |
Profit Before interest and tax |
-27600 |
192400 |
260400 |
Interest expense |
50 |
200 |
0 |
Taxes |
0 |
32685 |
58463 |
Net Profit |
-27650 |
159515 |
201937 |
Net Profit/Sales % |
-4.9375 |
18.23029 |
19.2321 |
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