Free «Argument Summary Assignment» Essay

Argument Summary Assignment

It is evident in the letter that Republicans are excited to kill the hope of President Obama’s legislative agenda just weeks before the election. The democrat in this letter argues that the $1 billion over five years is to be paid by collecting taxes and penalties. Veterans will not be getting the expected one billion dollar jobs program, at least not from this senate. This was after Republicans blocked votes on the veterans Job Corps Bill. The Republicans claimed that the United States debt was more vital that helping the U.S veterans acquire jobs. They cast five votes to proceed, but the veterans were two votes short of the sixty that are required in order to move a bill to a vote. This bill would rate one billion us dollars in a period of over five years to aid the veterans secure employment in fields such as firefighters or as police officers.

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According to Republicans in the letter, the expenses approved in the Bill had violation limits that were agreed to in the previous year. Self-governing law enforcers turned to the legislation just a short while before they will suspend for the final weeks of the campaigns for this years elections. Therefore, this bill has a little hope of passing the house this congress, in addition, the bill still permitted senators to appeal to a chief voting coalition. Democrats argued that after everything veterans have done for the United States, the least to do to them would be to pass the bill so as to ensure that they are granted every chance to succeed here at home. The letter suggests that one in every four veterans in the United States is unemployed and for this reason the republicans should put aside their political interest and help these citizens secure jobs to provide for their families.

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