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This report presents Coca Cola’s recommendations submitted to the Local Network concerning the compliance with principles 1 and 8 of the Global Compact which indicate that businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and that they should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility in that order (Guide to engagement in the UNs global compact. Accessed 4/05/2013).We are of the opinion that this two principle form the most important basis of ensuring the company complies by all the compact principles and ensure continued growth of the company.
We are the world’s largest and leading beverage producers with more than 500 brands and over 3500 beverage products. The company has over 92,000 employees hence the need to ensure that their rights are upheld (The Climate Group. Accessed 4/05/2013). Being a global leader in beverage production and having a great customer base, it is our responsibility to ensure that our ways of production are sustainable and our customers are made aware of the need to be responsible and conserve the environment. Having been a signatory and committed to the UN Global compact principles as from March 2006, we believe that we have what it takes given our experience and commitment to all the stakeholders to make workable recommendations to the local Network.
Having a very large global presence and customer base means we at Coca Cola have a big team of employees. Various measure shave been put in place to ensure that the workplace environment and policies don’t undermine the global human rights.We ensure that our employees human rights are upheld by offering a fair working place were the environment is positive, open and inclusive. The workers are made to understand their human rights and other policies such as equal opportunities. It is also important to note that our policies on child labor are clear and we don’t allow any child labor. This is ensured by doing rigorous checks during recruitment to ascertain the correct ages of our recruits. Employee performance is always monitored the management and employees are well trained on human rights matters (Coca Cola Hellenic. Accessed 4/05/2013).
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We at Coca Cola thus recommend that a similar policy be adopted by members of the local network which will ensure that child labor is eliminated and workers are given the first priority by ensuring that their fundamental rights are upheld and equal opportunities are offered. Adaptation of such a policy will ensure that the workers are well motivated and good relations are maintained at the workplace. This will result to increased production that hence increased profits.
We have also implemented the OHSAS 18001 safety management system that is globally recognized in our efforts to ensure employee safety at the workplace. This will ensure that the employees’ right to safe working conditions is upheld. Safety communities have been created and training programs meant to address safety risks have been developed. Safety performance reports are always made from time to time thus ensuring our employees are offered the most secure working environment (Coca Cola Hellenic. Accessed 4/05/2013).
Another recommendation to the local network is that all the members adopt a safety policy and even implement the safety management system that has proved very efficient. Various benefits can be derived from ensuring that the workers are safe. Compensation costs to injured workers will be reduced and safe workers without injuries and exposure to risks and hazards will ensure that high levels of productivity are maintained. Workers who know that the company is concerned about their safety will be motivated and work even harder resulting to increased productivity.
We at Coca Cola are doing our best to ensure that environmental sustainability is upheld. We have strong environmental policies in place in terms of production, packaging and customer awareness. We have come up with technologies that have ensured reduced green house gases emission and efficient use of resources. In 2011 with WWF, The Company was part of Arctic home lunch launch Active in the US and Canada. This was a campaign to raise funds and create awareness and help protect the polar bear and its habitat. This was done through advertising both on media and packaging. Apart from that, The Company has also set a goal of contributing back to the community the water it has been using up in its production activity by 2020. To achieve this, the company is looking for ways to reduce its water use and at the same time increasing product volume. The company also hopes to recycle the water used in its operations. In addition t0 that, more environmental friendly packing materials that are fully recyclable called the plant bottle has been introduced into the market (The Climate Group. Accessed 4/05/2013).The Company is also committed to conserve soil, ensure healthy water sheds and use sustainable materials in its operations (Coca Cola Journey. Accessed 4/05/2013).
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It is thus further recommended that members of the local network adopt such measures that will ensure continued environmental sustainability. Since all manufacturing processes have an impact on the environment, it is recommended that the local network advises all members to come up with clear policies that will ensure reduced pollution of the environment and effective use of the available resources. Other companies should also be encouraged to participate in campaigns aimed at conserving the environment. The benefits derived from this will not only be to the environment, but it will ensure continued availability of resources and a healthy population that will be able to work and consume the manufactured products (Krishna. Accessed 4/05/2013).
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If all of the companies in the local network adapts the policies and engages in the activities mentioned, more benefits will be achieved not only by the companies, but even by the communities around them and the whole the global community in general. New companies that are seeking to join the market will also have a basis on which they can ensure their activities and operations will uphold global human rights and be able to undertake initiatives that will ensure the environment is conserved.
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