Free «Dress Code in School» Essay

Dress Code in School

For a human being to have good physical appearance, cloths should be worn. In every society there is a dress code most of which are unrecorded but understood by every members of the community. The dress code of a society has brought in policies or signals representing the message being provided by a person's garments and how it is worn. This message might comprise suggestions of the person's earnings, profession, cultural and spiritual affiliation, thoughts, nuptial status, sexual accessibility sexual orientation and social class.

Students should have a dress code in schools to avoid having difference of how wealth some are. This makes all to be of the same class when wearing the same school uniform. Most schools have policies on how scholars should dress. The intention is to keep all learners safe and pay attention on education. Instructors have sufficient on their plate to inspiring learning without having to watching which slogan is disturbing who at every time.

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Baggy cloths and bandanas might be interpreted as gang dress code. When a student dress as a gang member threatens other learners and increases fear instead of focusing on education. Wearing clothes that have large pouch are regularly controlled since a weapon or illegal drugs could be carried in them.

Most of the schools do not permit children to carry huge bags as their dressing code. These school bags and coats are frequently only allowable in lockers. The bags are believed to carry guns or drugs that can cause danger to other school children.

X trade clothes are prohibited in schools. When children dress seductively it become immense interruption to the opposite sex. It regularly makes sense when children at schools are to put limitations on what to wear at schools. Most of the teenagers in middle schools and high schools have Sexual thoughts and do not require visual aids. Their thoughts are usually is active enough and any seductive wear may cause danger. Schools have banned social networking sites eg during school hours since of the suggestive content and marauders lurking.

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Wearing T-shirtswith indication to cigarettes or alcohol usage are generally not allowed. Television limits commercials on these topics so it doe as not make sense al all to permit scholar promote this stuffs at school. T-shirts from Hooters are generally not allowable since they have reference made to waitresses. There are also those T-shirts that tell scholars not to cooperate with instructors, principals and police force. This leads to vicious harassment in school as student follow the (don't snitch) rule.

All students should dress respectfully in school. If students were are allowed to dress what they want in schools most of them will not concentrate as they think of how they will show of what they have to their friends. Those schools that student were what they want, rules should be set on what to wear. Students should not be permitted to wear mini skirts or hot pants at schools. Those clothes are shoddy and do not show self respect or self self-assurance. This is also applicable to business since no organization would want to employ anyone who wears shoddy at job or shirts 5 sizes too big.

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A lot of public institutions are switching to uniforms. This tradition used to be reserved for private (individual) and Catholic disciplines but public schools have already seen positive results to wearing of school uniforms. When scholars wear uniforms to school, everybody appear to have come from the same back ground and no poor or rich student. Any latest luxurious jeans or any designer polo can not be shown off to other students who cannot afford it.

Having the same school uniform is a positive option since students always have something satisfactory to wear. According to Zinga (2005), some students were absent from school for the reason that they didn't have something cool to wear and show off to the other students who had jeans that was cool and latest. And, because students are not troubled by what their friends wear at school, students will never focus better on their education and their own business.

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What we dress and how we dress it does actually matter. All entrepreneurs that work out of their houses feel their workday is more creative when dressed properly other than working in nightgown.

In conclusion, for a human being to have good physical appearance, cloths should be worn. Students should have a dress code in schools to avoid having difference of how wealth some are. All students should dress respectfully in school. If students were are allowed to dress what they want in schools most of them will not concentrate as they think of how they will show of what they have to their friends.

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