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St. Marianne’s healthcare organization is a healthcare facility located in Anchorage, Alaska inside the St. Paul medical center. The center offers the facility direct access to diverse specialties, for instance, cardiology, dialysis, dental, and optical centers. The facility is community oriented and provides quality services to all the nearby communities.
The mission of the facility is to improve the well-being and health of the communities within the region. Moreover, the vision of the facility concerns two factions. On the one hand, the facility offers physicians the best environment where they can access medical facilities and work freely. On the other hand, since the physicians have ample environment, they will then ensure the community receives effective, professional and a wide ranging care. Additionally, the facility will be recognized nationally for improving the health of the community members through the incorporation of education, research and clinical care.
Electronic Communication Vehicles
The Hospital Web Page
St. Paul Center Web Page
Video media
Community Connection
Targeted E-mail lists
Hospital E-Newsletters
Social Media: Twitter and Facebook
Communication Vehicles: Media
St. Marianne magazines
Broadcast stations
Print newspapers
Communication Vehicles: Interpersonal
St. Marianne annual meetings
Members of staff Forum
Administrative Council meetings
Key Communicator network
Communication Vehicles: Print
Targeted mailing list
Anchorage Newsmagazine ads
Anchorage daily
The groups that will be of great importance to St. Marianne’s healthcare organization will be its staff members, customers, government agencies, business partners, and the local community.
The above-mentioned communication mediums will deliver St. Marianne’s healthcare organization messages to the community in a cost effective manner. In addition, the organization has ascertained that it will have a forum on its website for community members to post their comments regarding the facility (Srivastava & Shainesh, 2015).
Stakeholder |
Importance |
Influence |
Interests |
Staff |
Offer quality care |
Represents the facility and allows it to achieve its goals and objectives |
To have access to medical and research facilities |
Customers [local community] |
Visit the facility and access quality services |
Local communities will represent customers |
Contributes to the success of the organization by testifying regarding the quality of service received |
Business Partners |
St. Paul medical center will provide an environment where the facility will conduct its researches and access employees from the center |
One of the great stakeholders of the facility and contributes to its success |
To have enough equipments and facilities to serve the organization |
Government agency |
To provide health policies and regulations to the organization. |
Represents the interests of the local authority |
It contributes to the success of the facility through the provision of significant and strategic policies and regulations |
Maintain and develop collaborative and positive relationship with all stakeholders within its environment to strengthen support for St. Marianne’s healthcare organization. In addition, the business will utilize the communication mediums in order to maximize awareness of its programs and goals to the community. The above-mentioned aspects offer business a competitive advantage.
The organization does not have any direct competitors within the region where it operates. In addition, the facility has skilful and competent members of the staff that have graduated from St. Paul Medical Center. As well, the Center provides a strategic environment where it can carry out medical research. Lastly, the facility has a reputation of offering quality services.
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The community offers diverse opportunities to the facility. In short, the facility utilizes the power of the community to showcase its potential to the nation (Sederstrom, 2014). In addition, it has sidelined itself with the state health department.
The facility offers delivery of quality health care and community involvement.
Marketing initiatives in the facility will identify the expertise of each member and ascertain who of them can influence the business’s marketing strategies. Assign team members to areas where they suite and make sure each one of them approves. On the other hand, marketing strategies will be evaluated after every five months.
Dr. Kellie J. King Is the Director of Community Outreach Plan
St. Marianne’s healthcare Community Outreach Program addresses the need for the facility to provide its community with quality care. As well, the organization's ambition is to become a healthcare facility of choice for community members.
Through the outreach program the organization seeks to institute meaningful partnership with community-based organizations, businesses around its area of operations, local health department, and all the residents of Anchorage. This approach will help it to promote health wellness and lifestyle for all residents within Anchorage and the nearby communities (Lundy & Janes, 2001).
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St. Marianne’s healthcare organization is dedicated to improving health of the community. In keeping with the State Health Department’s mission of exemplary service to the community, the facility is dedicated to collaborate with the community partners through strategic initiatives. In addition, it is deeply committed to review community health needs on a quarterly basis and innovate programs that will address those needs (Gallin & Ognibene, 2012). Recently, the organization came up with the Service Plan Committee to hold a forum with the community-based organizations to see how it will meet the needs of the community through other vehicles such as charity.
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