Free «Critical Appraisal Tools (Qualitative Research)» Essay

Critical Appraisal Tools (Qualitative Research)
  1. The research paper had a clear aim. The goal of the research was to examine the barriers and facilitators of access to and provision of appropriate primary health care for individuals with serious mental illnesses. In this study, the focus was based on the perspective of administrators who provide specialized healthcare to mental patients. Given that each patient had special needs, health care providers could give a perspective of what inhibits other patients with similar needs from accessing such health care. In essence, the research completed the first test successfully.
  2. For this research paper, qualitative research was the most appropriate method owing to the nature of the subject under study. First of all, healthcare cannot be quantified since it focuses on the quality of the service and not on the quantity. Second of all, for serious mental patients, there is a need to focus on the quality of healthcare, especially due to the fact that mental health is a delicate matter. If quantitative research had been used, it would not have yielded useful results for the researchers because the aim was to examine the barriers not the number of barriers.
  3. The design of the research was appropriate for achieving the aims stated above. In the methodology, the researchers explained that they used qualitative data analysis software to analyze data collected from ten interviewees. Besides this aspect, the quality and level of access to specialized healthcare was derived from the data. The result demonstrated that only important qualitative information about the research would be collected. For seeking information on the level of access to this type of healthcare, the adopted methodology was the most suitable.
  4. Looking for the ten interviewees, the researchers used the most appropriate method for this research. First, the informants were all drawn from an informative health agency. Such a health agency would be the most appropriate source of informants given that it had records on the patients. Second, the health agency also had records of the patients’ background information, such as the wealth status and level of education. Some barriers would emerge solely from the background information of the patients.
  5. The data-collection method was conducted by interviewing ten correspondents. Interviewing the informants was the most appropriate method since it allowed the researchers to get firsthand knowledge. Such reliable material tremendously proved the validity of the research findings. Unlike other methods such as questionnaires, interviews provide a chance to ask leading questions that give the details the interviewees normally forget. Only interviews permit the informants to give clarifications whenever they are needed, which in its turn enables the interviewees to gauge the quality of given healthcare.
  6. Carrying out the research, keen consideration was given to the relationship between the researchers and the respondents. First, bias was avoided by choosing the respondents. All informants were randomly selected, although there was an underlying behavioral trait provided by the health agency. Second, the researchers used the services of people who had prior knowledge of the control and experimental aspects of the study. As a result of these peculiarities of the research, bias was avoided in all stages the project. Another step taken to avoid bias was leveling of the field in terms of racial landscape. The race and/ethnicity of the key informants were similar to that of the agency staff and the community.
  7. All informants were asked before the study if they could take part in it or not. This was the first step to show respect for the ethical issues related to this study. In all researches carried out, obtaining the consent of participants is of utmost importance. The second step of paying respect for ethics is to notify the informants before the study and control some aspects of the experiments. The aim of the second step was to eliminate inconsistencies arising from misinformation on the part of the respondents.
  8. Rigorous data analysis was carried out to make sense out of the collected data. The researchers used the right tools in establishing themes and trends in the acquired data. For example, the thematic aspects of the interviews were analyzed using NVIVO software. This type of software has validity due to its track record in the field of qualitative analysis.
  9. Presenting the results, the researchers gave a clear and explicit statement as to what the analysis of the collected data resulted in. For example, the most significant identified barriers were in the areas of staffing and financing the health care services. However, insurance coverage and transportation were identified as the client barriers, following the analysis of data by the researchers. Clients also failed to correctly schedule medical appointments, leading to inefficient healthcare service.
  10. The research and its findings are of great importance to the current information available on the issue of mental problems. First of all, the current situation in the provision and utilization of health care services for people with mental problems is characterized by the fact that most of them do not make full use of the services available to them. Second of all, from these research findings and conclusions, it can be seen that the poor utilization of healthcare services stems from the identified deficits in the relationship between caregivers and patients. Indeed, the research demonstrates its topicality for this critical appraisal tool.

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