Free «Alex Dunn, President of VIVINT» Essay

Alex Dunn, President of VIVINT

Alex Dunn is a visionery leader whose leadership qualities gave way for his promotion to the position of the President of Vivint. A part of his good leadership skills, Dunn has a good academic background as a holder of a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University. The position gives Dunn an opportunity to lead one of the biggest home automation services company in North America. After being promoted, he has acquired a new responsibility of overseeing the company’s strategic direction besides managing its fast revenue growth and future developmental agenda. Besides, Dunn is charged with the responsibility of directing the company’s ongoing initiatives, innovations and playing a vital role in performance benchmarking to help the company achieve it’s long and short-term goals (Vivint Newsroom 1).

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Vivint Company has enjoyed the services of Alex for over seven years. His promotion to the current position is attributed to the major developments that he has enabled the company to achieve. According to Todd Pederson, the CEO’s, Dunn’s, contributions to the company has been great as he has enabled it to make tremendous growth and expansions (Vivint Newsroom 1). He is valued for being an essential part of the company’s decision-making process. As such, Dunn has been instrumental in the company’s choices to service the sold accounts, initiate its private-equity and finance structures as well as rebrand the company. Vivint also realised a massive growth due to Dunn’s input in the decision to diversify the provision of home automation and solar. Based on the great contributions that he has made to Vivint Company, Dunn is a great asset whose new role will help the company stride into greater heights.

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Prior to his promotion to the current position, Dunn served Vivint Company as the chief operating officer. In his former position, he was responsible for controlling the daily operations of the company, its financial engagements and general business activities. While in the former position, Dunn made remarkable achievements. For example, he managed to integrate newly acquired capabilities and entities into a single organization. He also used the strategy of optimization technologies, people and processes in cost reduction. He reached the height of his success through effective leadership that enabled him to overcome various operational obstacles (Vivint Newsroom 1).

Before the acquisition of the Blackstone, Dunn was effective in securing equity partners and a $690 million credit facility (Vivint Newsroom 1). This was a great achievement that enabled Vivint to reach out to new markets, hence facilitating the company’s growth. When giving his remarks after the new appointment as Vivint’s President, Dunn stated that contributing to the company’s growth is among the main rewarding challenges in his career. He made a promise to be more vibrant and instrumental in his new position as the President of the company, to ensure that the company’s diverse products’ platform is enhanced in the course of initiating more innovative services in future.

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Dunn had other achievements in his career life before joining Vivint Company. He worked as the deputy chief of staff in Massachusetts, where he effectively deputized Governor Mitt Romney. This was after his remarkable contribution as the co-founder of Lava storm and m-Qube that are both venture-backed high tech firms (Vivint Newsroom 1).

Due to his conspicous contributions and success in his earlier positions, Dunn is expected to help Vivint Company to expand its service delivery and become a company with unique technology based platform. He is looked up to facilitate the company’s activities that are aimed at protecting families, increasing energy efficiency and making people’s lives simpler. Working together with a team of competent members, Vivint Company can count on the input of Dunn in its thirst for success in securing its market share. With such achievements the upcoming lecture is an event that any passionate leaders or business oriented person should not miss.

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