Free «Customer Led Tactics» Essay

Customer Led Tactics

Customer led tactics are means by which a business seeks to determine the products that attract consumers, in order to produce them to attract many clients. For instance, in this paper the business website I choose to use is Coca-Cola website, which is www.

The customer led tactics that Coca-Cola uses on their business website includes creating awareness of their products of their potential clients through advocacy or promotion. This tactics on the Coca-Cola website include uploading a photo of their brand, which results to “likes” and comments hence, attracting customers. The clients may share the Coca-Cola photo with their colleagues and families, which increases the popularity of the brand. The other customer led tactics of Coca-Cola is engaging consumers in popularization of their brand by creating the blogs and pages devoted to this product (Middleton, 2012).

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The case of two consumers, who initiated Coca-Cola Facebook page that has approximately 25 million fans is the evidence of the aforementioned tactics. Through this tactic, customers express how they feel about Coca-Cola brands, which results to growth of the business by attracting more customers. There is a new customer led tactic that the business could use in its internet marketing strategy. The company could engage audience through raising funds to educate kids from poor families. This tactic will not only assist needy children, but it will spread awareness of the Coca-Cola Company to reach diverse potential consumers.

Engaging customers through fundraising tactic will assist Coca-Cola to market their brand online, and increase its profitability. If Coke involves the public in online marketing strategy, it will create a positive image of the company which takes into account the opinion and the needs of its customers. This tactic further cultivates long-term relationships between the company, and their customers. It also leads to provision of high quality products by the company as per the needs of the online customers.

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