Free «Project Priorities» Essay

Project Priorities

Time is one of the major constraints of our project because our project has a defined and fixed target completion date which is 14th of April 2010. The project needs to be completed by this particular date to enable the UL committees to evaluate our product on time.  If this date is missed then the success of the project will be limited or precluded.

Moreover, the quality of our project is restricted by the specification of the product. High quality product is one of the UL certification requirements. Hence, performance is another constraint in our project.

Cost is the only element of the triple constraints combination that is tolerable.

The major deliverables for this air cooled liquid chiller project can be listed into 4 categories which is the design, manufacturing, assembly and testing. For design, it can be divided into mechanical and electrical design. Mechanical design will take about 9 days in order to complete the design of the sheet metal, cad-cam programming, refrigeration and coil. Meanwhile, from electrical side, there are wiring design and software programming which needed 2 days to complete.  For manufacturing, in order to produce the air cooled chiller, there are 4 main components that need to be produced which are the condenser, sheet metal body, refrigeration pipes and electrical box. For the condenser and sheet metal body, there are work packages for each of these sub-deliverables. There are 9 work packages in order to build the condenser which is aluminium fins, seamless copper tube, U band, mechanical expansion, end and side plates, copper riser, hard copper pipes, coil circuting and testing. Meanwhile for the sheet metal body, the work packages are the sheet metal structure, C-channel base and structure painting. The manager is responsible to make sure that all the tasks are done on time, within the budget and according to the technical specification.

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For the assembly, it involves the assembly of the metal body which is for the metal structure, condenser fan and electrical box, assembly of the refrigeration which is for its components, pipes, vacuum and refrigerant charging and the assembly of the electrical for cable duct wiring. Last but not least is the testing, so after the product is completely produced, the final check should be conducted in order to test run and see the performance of this product.

3.6 Responsibility matrix

The tool that can be used to outline a small project is the responsible matrix. This tool summarizes the tasks to be done and who is responsible for each task of the specific project. Responsibility matrix provides people to view their responsibilities and agree on what they have been assigned for. By defining the responsibilities within this framework, the relationship between different organizational units and work content of the project is made clear. In Petra, each major deliverable has its own responsibility matrix.

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