Free «Affirmative Action and Human Resources» Essay

Affirmative Action and Human Resources

An affirmative action is a significant process that allows human resources department to offer equal employment opportunities to employees. The human resources will treat every qualified applicant or employee during selection, recruitment, and advancement. Therefore, affirmative action discourages discrimination within an organization because the human resources department offers equal job opportunities to qualified women, disabled individuals, and other minorities. The affirmative action affects the human resources department in many ways, including developing the workforce planning models, designing of achievement and leadership training, bridging educational programs, availing mentoring and coaching programs, and offering equal job opportunities to employees.

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The workforce planning models guide the process of selecting, developing, and assessing employees. This ensures that an organization consists of the right employees, who will accomplish the organization’s goals. The human resources department should develop and assess employees from different cultural backgrounds to ensure that they perform various tasks equally. Another effect of affirmative action on the human resources department includes designing of achievement and leadership training. Training stimulates the assertiveness and individuality among leaders. Leaders will also develop the risk-taking propensity upon training. Affirmative action also allows the human resources department to offer bridging educational programs, which ensure that the knowledge and skills of employees match the requirements of the organizations in foreign countries. Human resources department will avail mentoring and coaching programs to employees because of the affirmative action. Mentoring and coaching of employees will take place with the help of managers. This allows the high-potential employees to perform tasks effectively as a result of professional development. Finally, affirmative action allows the human resources department of an organization to offer equal job opportunities to employees.

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In conclusion, affirmative action allows the human resources department to increase the productivity of an organization because of a number of ways. Some of the effects of affirmative action on the human resources department include developing the workforce planning models, designing of achievement and leadership training, bridging educational programs, availing mentoring and coaching programs, and offering equal job opportunities to employees.

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