Free «Activities I Am Involved in» Essay

Activities I Am Involved in

I am lucky, as my life is full of variety. My ambition has always been to get a high level education; however, I manage to combine my study, family responsibilities, part-time job, taking part in extracurricular activities, community service, and even socializing with my friends. I feel that I can effectively cope with everything.

My family always support me in every of my ventures, and I try to be as helpful as I can. We share all household chores, so that they would not be tiresome. Besides, one of my most important responsibilities is to help my younger brother with his homework. It is me who always does that, as my parents are not very fluent in English. Due to the same reason, I always act as an interpreter while making appointments, visiting doctors, or solving various vital matters. Moreover, my mom and dad own a Chinese restaurant which is a family business. I have an experience of working there as a cashier and a translator, but I realize that I am in charge of promoting it as well. Thus, I assisted while designing a website of the restaurant and also listed our business on Google and other search engines.

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My study and work take a lot of time, but I always try to find some time for my hobbies, especially if they are useful not only for me. My participation in the activity of the Environmental Club helps me get more responsible and makes a difference in the lives of people who need support. For instance, I am proud of the Storm Run event, in which we raised money to help African communities build new wells with clean water; or various activities aimed at raising public awareness of environmental protection issues. Besides, being a club member, I acquired skills that are crucial for team work.

I have always tried to be an active community member, who cares about other people, especially if they are underprivileged. I feel obliged to take some community service hours and do some work for charity. I am an active member of the Kids Defense Team organization, and I am proud of the good things done. We collect different toys and send them to vulnerable children or those who have chronic illnesses. I can imagine the joy of those kids, who cannot afford buying a teddy bear, but they get the toy, so long wished for, as a gift from our organization. I have done about 95 hours of community service hours so far; and I am sure, none of them is useless. I have also helped at some school football games and at the key club at school. Creating flyers or distributing them at my parents’ restaurant, emailing people to inform them about various charity events is always both work and fun.

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To sum up, I cannot say that I have much spare time, but I enjoy every minute of my busy life.

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