Narrative essay samples

Free custom Narrative essay

A Significant Event in My Childhood

In childhood every person had a significant event that helped to shape the way she/he is today. It could be the cardinal changes in the family life, the peculiarities of lifestyle, health problems, happy moments etc. Without doubt we imprinted these ...

A Trip to Hawaii

Various events in life help to shape the character of the person and instill certain characteristics, especially those that relate to the cultural practices. People from different areas of the globe can be easily differentiated through the various ...

Activities I Am Involved in

I am lucky, as my life is full of variety. My ambition has always been to get a high level education; however, I manage to combine my study, family responsibilities, part-time job, taking part in extracurricular activities, community service, and ...

Character and Conflict

This story is about three young girls who go to a food store dressing up against the norms. At the desk girls meet the employee of the store named Sammy and he engages with them in a talk admiring how they are dressed. Two of the girls try to shield ...

Christmas Celebrations

Origin of Christmas You will not believe what is my favorite holiday which makes me excited and impressed, and which is always in my thoughts and memories. Are you ready to know what my favourite holiday is? Christmas! Yes, Christmas! In my opinion, ...

Environmental Science

Life is full of choices. Choosing the career of environmental science and engineering officer will help me to achieve success through the future professional activities. Environmental Science and Engineering Program is a field of studies, which ...

Family Changes Over Time in U.S.

Numerous studies reveal an ever-dynamic trend in family as an institution in the society. Early researches like Coontz (2006) indicate that the constituent of family had a well-defined reason and purpose that were inclined towards gender ...

Frankenstein as Mary Shelley’s Painful Life Story

I read Sherry Ginn’s critical article on Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. The source is reliable because it is written by a professor. “Sherry Ginn earned both her MA (1984) and PhD (1988) in General-Experimental Psychology from the ...

Growing up

Growing up in a poor neighborhood can leave the big mark on people's life. In any case, a person can be strongly influenced by the way of living, by people who surround him/her as well as by problems which he/she faces. My neighborhood was the place ...


Margaret Lee Rumback once said, “Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” I totally agree with these words that are so relevant in the modern world. I know many people who expect to become happy at some point of ...

Little Red Riding Hood

Regardless of the fact that the theme of “Little Red Riding Hood” seems to be a fairy-tale one, there is nothing fantastic about it. On the contrary, the story describes a painful reality, in which every girl should overcome some ...

Mother’s Love

The dearest person for anybody in the universe has always been a mother. It is a generally accepted fact that the relationship between a mom and a child is one of a kind. It is expected to be built upon mutual acceptance and respect. There is an ...

Roles of Women in Homer’s Odyssey

In the early part of the 20th century, the primary role of most adult women was to care for their family and home. The fact that it corresponds to reality is beyond any possible doubts. It was the main mission that the women were focused on. The ...

The Invented and the Supernatural

“2250, March 23. Report: this is TH39; I have reached the given destination; everything is fine; my mood is great; a diagnostics is unnecessary; you will receive the next report in twenty-four hours.” TH39 is a robot and he is able to ...

The Negative Effects of Depression on My Studying

Nowadays we face with depression more and more. The causes of depression may be different: family problems, health problems, lack of communication and low self-esteem. The main thing is to resist depression in any ways. I am convinced that the best ...

The Two Lovers

The two lovers were lying in a big bright room looking into the eyes of each other. They were holding their hands so gently and tight that it seemed nothing could separate them. The two lovers were always together: at the cheerful parties and calm ...

What Kind of Thinker Are You?

Critical thinking is a purposeful mental activity which can be both conscious and unconscious. It helps to formulate and solve problem, make decision, understand and search for the answers. Critical thinking is the ability to have one's own vision ... Testimonials

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