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Nowadays we face with depression more and more. The causes of depression may be different: family problems, health problems, lack of communication and low self-esteem.
The main thing is to resist depression in any ways. I am convinced that the best way to escape from depression is to be busy with any affair and to change the attitude to the problem which caused depression.
As for me the depressed state is known phenomena. I understand that I should struggle with this state however believe me it is very difficult. The symptoms of depression are frequent changing of mood, irritability, aggression, crying, extreme sensitivity etc. Without doubt depression has the negative affects on my studying because when I am depressed I lose interest to learning. I feel myself fatigue, have low energy and enthusiasm to remember something new. At my lessons I am not attentive and it means that I do not receive any knowledge.
When I am depressed I have no any desire to attend my lessons, I prefer to stay at home or drop out of college. Then the results of my depression are terrible: low marks, bad relationships with my parents and my teachers.
Suffering from depression I try to withdraw from my usual way of life, I begin unbearable person and even I do not understand my actions and my behaviour. At the lessons I am passive, inactive, isolated from getting knowledge and far from studying. Depression makes me lose my balance and my successes in studying become very poor. At my lessons I lose persistence, I am indifferent to subject, my classroom participation decreases. Depressive symptoms provide difficulties in studying during the whole year.
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As we see depression makes our studies worse, so we should do everything to escape from it. In my opinion it is necessary not to be obsessed with the problem which provoked depression and change attitude to this problem. The hard studying is once more way to avoid depression. The proverb says: “Take a hair of the dog that bit you”.
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