Free «Environmental Science» Essay

Environmental Science

Life is full of choices. Choosing the career of environmental science and engineering officer will help me to achieve success through the future professional activities. Environmental Science and Engineering Program is a field of studies, which encourages me with willingness and dedication to be a strong candidate to this respectful profession.

My educational qualifications, professional experience, awards and decorations as well as my military education are a real proof of my dedication to the future profession. I believe that the ESEO Program will help me to proceed with further studies and build a successful career. I am a Health Care Specialist, also referred to as Medic. I was deployed with 2nd BN 3rd SFG to Afghanistan during 2011/12. Deploying with the battalion gave me exposure to the integrated field of medicine in the army. In addition to my work in the clinic, I have worked with the medical supply and preventive medicine. It is my willingness to learn and thrive, that I took it upon myself to help and understand the nature of this job. My first line of supervisor happened to be a Preventive Medicine Sergeant. With a background in food technology, the field appealed to me. I could correlate it to my studies of problem solving and taking proactive measures.

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While working in Afghanistan, I was experienced in water purification and rapid soil test. Interpreting the results and implementing them in actions was a gratified satisfaction. One summer day one of the refrigerators in the camp went down. We had the Veterinary Detachments for support. Along with the Veterinary Food Service Specialist, I was actively involved in salvaging the frozen product based on the quality and the time temperature in the storage. Also I saw myself passionately involved and implemented what I knew as a food technologist. I got an opportunity to work with the group Preventive Medical Officer in determining the quality of the air sample. The negative findings were exciting in a sense that there was no potential threat at the level the asbestos was present in the air sample. Down the road I could measure the potential of the results. These experiences left me with a lasting impact. Facing challenges and resolving the issues towards a successful outcome, and at times taking proactive measures is what we should be working towards. It also suites my personal attribute. I am open to accept professional constructive criticism and adapting to new ideas.

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My civilian background and ambitions encourage me to work hard and overcome any difficulties in order to achieve the goal. My strong desire and intentions are to protect the health of American soldiers, for the wellbeing of the soldiers directly correlates to the success of mission. It would be honorable for me to provide support and be a part of this bigger picture to what I see as my American Dream.

Life is full of choices. Who you are and what you become is defined by the choices you take in life. My previous military career helps me to realize the importance of service to my country as well as to community, what is paramount to improve my personality and the world at the same time. The opportunity to become a professional environmental science and engineering officer ensures me to serve my country and enrich my career path. I am making a conscious choice to believe in my ability to this leadership role and move forward.

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