Free «The Witch and We, the People» Essay

The Witch and We, the People

The story “The Witch and We, the People” by Edmund S. Morgan describes the events that took place in 1787, inPhiladelphia, which “was unquestionably the intellectual capital of the United States” at that time (Morgan). It was the age of Enlightenment; however people were steeped in prejudice about witchcraft. Moreover, “an ugly kind of crime made its appearance in the city” in time of the convention, when fifty-five distinguished people of America were contriving “the most crucial provisions of the Constitution,” because “law and order were threatened” (Morgan).

The point of the story is that the witchcraft is not prosecuted any more notwithstanding the fear in people’s minds. That is the reason why the “trial by water” and the “cutting on the forehead” are used (Morgan). The old woman is suspected of that she called the forth various diseases. She realizes that she will be victimized; therefore, the heroine resorts to the authorities. Unfortunately, people’s range against her was too strong, “Korbmacher was carried through the streets” and “eight days later she was dead” (Morgan).

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The woman was blamed because of the superstitions, which should not occur in the civilized society. The story depicts the necessity of the constitution and the enlightened society as well; the author also emphasizes how innocent people can suffer without them. Such a display of democracy is not only wrong, but even perilous for life.

In conclusion, the story is an example of America’s history, which shows that justice is significant for folks to a great extent.

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