Free «Book Review» Essay

Book Review


Mark McMinn (1996) highlights the conviction that Christian therapists are not merely required to endeavor in the newest mental procedures and educated in theological notions, but moreover need to possess a kind of religious development. With such principles, counselors would become highly equipped in lecturing about prayer, Scripture, transgression, declaration of guilt, absolution, and salvation. McMinn presents a representation for therapy which kicks off with a vigorous sense of identity, enters upon brokenness or necessity, and closes with a healthy association with God and community. 

Praying for customers outside or inside of the therapy session is powerfully advised since it can be of assistance and does not expose the customer to any danger. Nevertheless, Open prayer, with the customer can be equally useful and hurtful. Positively noting, customers can acquire how to implore and can approach nearer to God by requesting in prayer or by adoring God. Negatively noting, customers might get extremely close to the therapist or might not pray on their own, considering the counseling session prayers are adequate. McMinn highlights it is significant for the counselor to say his or her own prayer to keep a tight relation with God. With sin, a number of customers hold responsibility for their decisions in life, whereas others put the blame on everybody else. By highlighting the notion of original sin, those customers who hold responsibility themselves can be provided with hope that all men were born with this. By accentuating personal sin, those who put the blame on everyone else, can be can be sent towards the Lord.

Admission of their sins can guide customers into a new association with God. Those who think badly of themselves refuse to accept admission as a result of the uneasiness it reveals, while others who reflect too vastly upon themselves oppose it out of absolute conceit. Psychologists exploit confession to approach a haven of consolation, while Christian therapists exploit it so customers can perceive themselves and God across a true path (Donald, 1992).

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Forgiveness, the same as confession, can be employed by psychologists to liberate customers from the ache and reminiscences which have kept them back. Christian therapists endorse forgiveness as a Christian obligation. God enlightens us to forgive and forget. Yet, real forgiveness emerges when Christians are conscious of their own unfairness and pardon their executors through compassion and empathy. Salvation of the customer takes part when God purifies all the customer’s transgressions and offers him or her with fresh Christ-focused life. Therapists can exhibit a chief function in this course via generating reassurance to their customers and perception on their customers’ lives. God eventually offers the redemption.

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This book plays an exceptional role in tackling the queries each Christian therapist has to cope with in our secular world. Whether a scholar or clinician, this volume offers obvious path without harming ones conviction. It values obtainable premise to the healing course, speaks about their power and flaws, and reflects the efficiency of Christian occupants in the healing practice. The book is uncomplicated to interpret and coherent. Model cases are pragmatist and McMinn succeeded in explaining the relevance of Christian values to the therapeutic process, tackling a superior range of disarrays. This is an excellent book for anybody who desires to discover more on how to incorporate their belief and psychology. I like how McMinn exploits the religious orders as a doorway to integrating a counselor's theology into the healing session. As for the part on prayer, he efficiently establishes prayer into the healing sessions. Prayer is an imperative element to the Christian's being, and cannot be excluded during the healing session. The lone inquiry that I have is in the pieces relating to sin. The writer presents five procedures to facing a customer’s sins, explicitly, "silence, thinking, questioning, direct disapproval, and not dealing with the sin." I don’t fully concur with the last process of not facing up the sin. I profoundly trust that we are required to perceive our own lives initially, and subsequently we must have the accurate approach and reason for facing up our sins, however, as Christians, we should blame the sins on ourselves (Joseph, 2001).

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