Free «Omnivores Dilemma» Essay

Omnivores Dilemma

Book review

Michael Pollan’s book, the Omnivores Dilemma: a Natural history of four meals is the main book on stability and people’s food system. In introduction he tells about chemical elements such as pesticide, which is called Monitor. It’s clear that a writer describes food-production system of the United States, American meals. Each part corresponds to its title and includes description of the topic. The book’s title and author are identified as well as the reviewed chapters are also identified. Michael Pollan had some difficulties with way of writing separate chapters. There is some thesis at the end of introduction which reveals the meaning of the next three paragraphs. This is that people take into account the truly fantastic gifts that plants and animals have provided us.

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The paragraph starts with a topic sentence that does not identify the paragraph as a descriptive paragraph. Each part begins with the common sentence which characterizes the whole system of what will be discussed. In the first chapter, for instance, ’’Industrial: Corn’’ pay special attention to The Standard American Diet. The writer describes the largest variety of products artificially from the field to the reprocessing plants and to the following meal. Michael Pollan brings both advantages and disadvantages of this topic. He particularly studied the subject, leading the honest and thorough arguments.

Michael Pollan discusses about industrial food chain aimed at corn, which can eat directly or process by the chemical pathways. The first chapter concentrates on the industrial farming and a section ends with food, where narrative follows the food back to its origins. Discussing, how the corn plants dominate in the USA, he collected the whole factors of appearing the food system. These are biological, cultural and political factors. He indicates that the human civilization of corn has vastly profited the plants and that corn came to fight for its survival among Americans. Corn and oil constitutes the heart of the meal industry. Pollan parses a McDonald’s lunch. The cornfield’s origin appears in lowa, which focuses on the burgers. The oil designed for cooking the fries make from the corn. The writer names the other products such as milk shakes, sodas and syrup. Michael Pollan argues the farmers, who practiced the cultural knowledge to the increase of plants, but it is unfortunately the intelligence and local knowledge. But recently this system has been removed from their farms and introduced into the scientific laboratories. He reckons that this is a negative development and that comeback to the normal agriculture would allow solving a lot of health and ecological problems; he is sure that this is the result of modern agricultural practice. A lot of animals such as cows, pigs consume the corn-based diet, which has a negative effect on animal adapted habitual grass. The author claims that this affected diet reduces the nutritional value of the meat fabricated from the steer, not saying about the quality of the life of the animals. Michael Pollan affirms that the overuse of antibiotics in these paddocks has led to the drug-fast microbes. The question would have disappeared if the cows were granted to live under the vivo.

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Michael Pollan mentions about expectations, which were met but partially. He emphasizes that people are what they eat. If this is really true, then people are practically the corn. The spread of corn throughout the world is quite rapidly. Nobody understands that such actions, people, thereby, destroying themselves. The corn is the star of this chapter, so it is the bad guy.

In general, his language is simple, understanding for every person who wants to read the book. His idea was to show readers the importance and reality of the book. He writes in the first person. Thereby, he disposes of his readers to the fact that he knows the material pretty well. So, the author engenders confidence.

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